Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Darth Anakin (An Anakin-Darth Vader Painting)

For two months my son Caleb nagged, cajoled and outright pleaded with me to paint a picture that was half Anakin, half Darth Vader. TWO WHOLE MONTHS!! A mother can only take so much pressure!

I caved. I broke like the camels back. I sent him through Google Images to scout out some pictures and show me exactly what he wanted…because I'm no psychic and really, really I don't want to listen to another two months worth of "that's not what I asked for!" 

He came back with a hundred and one images that looked a lot like this… 

…which is crap! I don't want that hanging on my wall! 

Fortunately, he's 7yrs old and I can boss him around.

He deigned to grace me a little bit wriggle room to do something a bit more artsy. 

 Rather than split the canvas (and the face) into two equal halves, we agreed to try a gradual morph. It turned out to be a bit of a play on the light and dark sides of Anakin Skywalker. 

That bones structure! I was so happy with the way that bone structure was turning out. I must have asked him a hundred times if I really had to paint over it. 
The kid just doesn't pull his punches. 

We've got a bit of a pouty duck face thing going on at this stage - it wasn't intentional, it was me being all indecisive about how much of the mask to paint around the chin. 

Anakin-Darth Vader
Throw in some pod racing and some stars and I think we've got a winner. I'm still um'ing and ah'ing over those lips and Caleb's trying to talk me into painting the Death Star obscured behind his shoulder… I dunno. Every painting reaches to a point where if you risk adding more, you risk ruining it. It kinds works the way it is and it would be such a shame to mess it up at this stage. 

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